Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Does the body in samadhi appear clinically dead too??

Does the body in samadhi appear clinically dead too???

There are various classifications of samadhi.In certain categories the body does  attain a state that appears to be clinically dead or lifeless.We find an illustrated detail of the categories of samadhi in different scriptures.The Gheranda samhita states six types of -Samadhi Dhayanayoga samadhi, Nadayoga samadhi, Rasanandayoga samadhi,Layayoga samadhi,Bhaktiyoga samadhi and Rajayoga samadhu, paatanjal Yogadarshan has bifurcated samadhi into two broad categories-Samprayata and Asampragyata Samadhi The Sampragyata and Asamprayata Samadhi.

The Sampragyata samadhi further has four classifications- 

vitarkaanugata,Vichaaranugata,Anandaanugata and Asmitaanugata;where as the Asampragyata samadhi is divided into two-Bhavapratyaya and Upaayapratyaya.The samprayata and Asamprayata samadhis have also been named as Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa Samadhi respectively by the admirers of the Advaita school of vedanta.Nonetheless,few elevated souls and masters have also described Asampragyata samadhi as sthita or jada(inert or dead-like) samadhi.

Devout followers of Bhaktiyoga have talked about chetana samadhi, also referred to as Bhava Samadhi at many places.In the same vein,the biography of swami Ramakrishna Paramhansa relates his spiritual saga with Nirvikalpa,Chetna,Bhava and Unmaana samadhis.The samadhi of the spiritual master chaitanya Mahaprabhu has been denoted as Turyaga state.Besides these,there is also a mentaion of sabija,Nirbija,Savichara,Nirvichara,kaivalya,chitishakti Roop swaroop,Dharmamegha and sahaja samadhi in some scriptures and the manuscripts of saints and seers.

To know more about samdhi buy samadhi book from djfoundation.co

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